Fun Linux Commands

There are many fun and interesting commands you can use on Linux, some of which are listed below:

  • cowsay - This command allows you to display a message in the form of a cow saying something. For example, you can type cowsay Hello there! to see a cow saying "Hello there!".
  • toilet - This command allows you to display text in a variety of interesting and colorful fonts. For example, you can type toilet Hello there! to see the message "Hello there!" in a fancy font.
  • sl - This command is used to display a train animation on the terminal. When you type sl, you will see a train moving across your terminal screen.
  • pipes - This command is used to display a pipe-based animation on the terminal. When you type pipes, you will see a series of pipes being built and destroyed on your terminal screen.
  • cmatrix - This command is used to display a matrix-style animation on the terminal. When you type cmatrix, you will see a series of green characters falling down your terminal screen, similar to the "Matrix" movies.

Try using these commands on your Linux system and see what fun and interesting results you can create!

Bash Script to Generate md5 Hashes

Here is a basic bash script that will generate md5 hashes for all files in the current directory:


for file in *


  md5sum "$file"


This script will loop through all files in the current directory and generate the md5 hash for each file using the md5sum command. The output will be in the format <md5 hash> <file name>, with one line for each file.

Common Ubuntu Commands

Here is a list of some common Ubuntu commands:ls: Lists the contents of a directory:

cd: Changes the current directory
pwd: Prints the name of the current directory
mkdir: Creates a new directory
touch: Creates a new file
nano: Opens the Nano text editor
apt-get: Installs new software packages
sudo: Runs a command as the superuser (admin)
reboot: Reboots the system
shutdown: Shuts down the system
mv: Moves or renames a file or directory
rm: Deletes a file or directory
man: Displays the manual page for a command

This is just a small selection of the many commands available on Ubuntu. For a more comprehensive list, type man ubuntu-commands at the command line.

Enable Edit Access to All Files on Linux

This command will recursively change the permissions of all files and directories on the computer to allow read, write, and execute access for all users.
  1. Open a terminal on your Linux computer by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard.
  2. In the terminal, type the following command and press Enter: sudo su
  3. In the root shell, type the following command and press Enter: chmod -R 777 /
After running the command, you should be able to access and edit all files on the Linux computer.

Note: These instructions will give all users full access to all files on the computer, which can be a security risk. It is recommended to only use these instructions in a controlled environment and to revert the permissions back to their original state once you are finished editing the files.

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